Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saving yourself in this bad economy

I know it has been a while since I posted on this subject but
sometimes life gets interupted by family matters. So here it
goes, so many people are finding themselves in a fianacial
hole. If your having trouble paying your bills and you are
thinking of borrowing from friends or family members think
twice. We tell ourselves that if we borrow from someone to 
keep the power on or whatever essential bill it may be and
that we will pay back the money out of our next check we
are lying to ourselves. We are already short on money and
we will continue to be short. The best thing is to look for
ways to make some money. We all are collectors of some
thing so lets start thinking of what we can sell and make a
few extra bucks. Have a yard sale so many people are
looking for items that they can't afford to by brand new.
Start collecting cans and bottles so many states have re-
cyclers of these items and they pay you to bring them in.
A good place to pick up a lot of these items is go to the
parks or ball fields on the weekend. Start using your talents
if you sew start offering sewing classes to kids, or sell you
service to mend clothing. Bartering is another good  way to
save some money no money goes out of your pocket if you
start a group of people to come together and do this. Good
luck on helping yourself out of the bad economy mess. Have
a good day.

Friday, June 11, 2010

30 projects 30 days

Here are a couple of other
projects I made. There are
several other bracelets that
I made they are in different
colors and have different tag
charms. The snow tag was
a little frustrating to picture
this is the best I could do
with it. More to come on
           monday. Have a great
           weekend !!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

30 projects in 30 days

So here are a few more of my
projects that i did during my
challange. The first one is a
grad card that I did for my
niece this one is not posted
in my Etsy shop. It was done
in her school colors. I did
another like it but in black
and blue only for my cousin
who also graduated. The tag
and the friend card I just

    posted in my Etsy shop and
    because I'm a day late in
    posting these I will post again
    on friday. Have a great day!

Monday, June 7, 2010

30 projects in 30 days

Ok like I said even though my world was turned upside down I managed to get my projects done. I did not get them all pictured until today, I'm just adding two items to my Etsy shop every other day so that is when I will post them here. I did make two cards that were gifts so those I will add them in somewhere along the line. I hope that you can tell I'm gettting  the editing of my pictures down and they are looking better then when I first started. Enjoy and have a great day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Saving yourself in this bad economy

We all get use to buying what we want when we want it but with this bad economy we need to make changes. For two weeks write down your every purchase and you will see where your money is going.
You really need to follow through with this no slacking on it. Once you see all your whim purchases you can make a plan. Most of us spend $200 - $400 a month on things that we really don't need to. Other ways to save money and still have fun is instead of going to the theater and spending a fortune. Get a group of friends together and go to a pawn shop and purchase a  few movies together which will cost you around $6 per movie.Take turns as to who will see the movies first and who will get them next. Make popcorn at home. Believe me you can find the movies that were just released on DVD at the pawn shops. Some people buy the movie and when they are done watching it they pawn it to make some money back and it still cost them less to do it this way then to go to the theater. Have a good day.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm back

Ok i'm back and now i will have to catch up in posting my 30 projects in 30 days and then get a few more of my economy helpful hints. So here are a couple of my new items. Let me know what you think.