Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fabulous Friday and Sleepy Saturday.

Well hello everyone. I was going to try and find a shop that I thought had some fabuluos items for friday and some cozy items that would remind you of sleep for saturday but the week was a rough one. I am not the type of person that opens up to everyone so most of my friends and followers don't find out about my tribulations till after. Last sunday I had to take my new puppy to the vet because of an allergic reaction she is ok but all week we were on a med regemin. Monday I had a vet appointment for our dog Ozzy to get a growth on her eye looked at. The vet decided she needed surgery to remove it so it was set up for friday and a med regemin was started with her before surgery. Thursday I thought I broke my arm because of a run in with our other dog Diesel while playing. It's swollen and hurts but no break thank God. So now that only Ozzy is on a med regemin and my arm feels better hopefully this coming week I will get friday and saturday done. Have a great weekend !!!!!

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