Saturday, June 13, 2015

Retirement Box Card

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weekend.
I am trying to organize my craft space so it's kind of a
working weekend for me. I did get the lawn mowed and
watered yesterday so that is one less task. I wonder when
I make it to retirement age if I will have less work to do.
Probably not.
The reason for retirement on the brain is because of the
retirement box card I made.

This is not the regular type of box card that I make. This is
a smaller version that actually will fit in a regular envelope.
I think I like this version best because I don't need to make
envelopes to fit the card. It doesn't mean that I will no longer
be making the other version I will just be making less of
that version.
I hope you like my card.
Until my next post Have A Splendid Day!!!!!!!

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