Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

It's finally here Labor Day Weekend. It's a big
weekend for Warden here where I live. We do
this big community day event here. On Sunday
the Lions Club puts on what is called the Great
Lind Coullee Raft Race. All the rafts have to be
hand made. There is no limit as to how many
can ride on it down the Lind Coullee but it does
have to float. The finish line is a small rapid and
most rafts fall apart in the rapid. Usaully there are
about twenty five rafts in the race not sure how
many were there this year. Here are some pictures
of some of the rafts.

People having fun in the raft race.

Another group on their raft.

Here is a raft groing through the rapid
where the race ends.

A raft that is falling aprt as it goes
through the rapids.

Have a Splendid Day!!!!!

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