Good Morning my fellow bloggers,
It's been a really busy time for me and I have been on the go for
about a month now. I've been busy working on our towns Labor
Day celebration which now has come and gone, but along with
that we had our county fair which I attended several times and
got some really nice pictures like the one you see in the header.
The header picture is of a display that was in the floral barn. I
fell in love with the look. Maybe some day I will have something
like that in my garden. The next picture is of my friend Marian
dancing with her dance troupe at the fair. One of the reasons I
went to the fair.
Tomorrow I will show you a few more pictures of some other things
While at the fair I managed to go look at all the barns and got some
pictures of some of the crafts like the quilt pictured below. This quilt
took top honors and the person that made it is from my little town
of Warden. I love all the wonderful colors.
We all know that there are some really creative people out there
and in the picture below you'll see what I mean.
Can you tell that some one painted a scene on a feather? In the
picture below I got a close-up so you can see the detail. Isn't it
just amazing?
The next picture is of a robot that was at the fair. It was really cute
because the young children interacted with it so well. The robot would
talk to the kids and follow them around. The robot pestered me for
a little bit but I managed to lose him. LOL........ I think it wanted me
to take more pictures of it.
that I pictured at the fair which were interesting to me. Have a Splendid
Welcome back!! Painting on feathers?! WOW! People really are creative!! So much little space on earth to display it!! :-))
I know Deb it really amazed me too. There was so much detail in the paintings but I could not get close enough with my camera to really do them justice.
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