Hello Everyone,
This morning I had planned to share another card but once again
lifes road took a different turn. All weekend I spent putting up
tomatoes, salsa and bell peppers. Monday I was out of town all day
and came home to find a sick dog. Tuesday I spent the day cleaning
the carpet and other things we won't go into because of the sick dog.
So today when I thought I was going to get to blogging again the power
was out for a few hours. Here it is after ten and i'm finally gettting to
do a blog post. My header picture is of some ribbon and lace that I
got at a yard sale a few weeks ago. I got this huge bag for under $5.00
It has several cardboard pieces with different colors. I'll show you
some of the others at a later date.
The picture below is of our sixteen year old dog and I think she was
laughing at me for all of the cleaning I had to do because of the other
dog. What do you think? Is she laughing?
So I was not a happy camper yesterday and you know how it is with
pets they seem to be under foot when you are trying to get things
done. So I was doing a lot of yelling for them to go lay down and stay
out of the way. We do not have a fenced yard so I just can't put them
outside someone has to be with them when they are outside. The
picture below is of them trying to hide.....LOL... I thought that once
our kids were all grown up. I would not have to be cleaning up after
anyone except for myself and then of course my husband...LOL...
Boy was I mistaken. Having pets is like having kids. feed them, groom
them, clean up after them. I do love my dogs don't get me wrong but
some days they drive me nuts. All I can do is take one day at a time
Awwww! Poor doggie. :-( I hope he's feeling all better now. And I can see why your day was stressful too! Dog laughing at you, power not on, and cleaning up untold horrors from a sick dog!! YIKES!...I feel your pain...but I'm still glad it's you and not me!! LOL
Deb, your to funny. I laugh about it because if it were to happen to others in my family they would of already thrown their hands in the air and asked why me? I just try and keep moving forward.
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