Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Little Soldier Tag

Good morning fellow crafters and scrappers.
Hope you are all doing well. Did any of you take the
time last night to take a peek at the gorgeous moon?
I took a minute to go look at it.
With the night time weather getting cooler we know
that winter will be close behind and so will Christmas.
I am getting ready for the fall shows so I am working
on all the different holidays.
Here is a Christmas tag that I put together.

Sorry I don't know who this cardstock collection is made
by. A friend who was out checking out yard sales found a
great deal on a large stack and bought it for me. The
snow globe is a sticker that I got at the dollar tree. The
branches were made with a Martha Stewart punch and
the glittery ribbon is left over from another project. I
believe that the ribbon is from two years back.
Have I ever told you that I have a photographic memory?
Well I do. My mother-in-law loved my photographic
memory because she would often ask me to meet her at
the fabric store so that I could look at something for
her and then make a pattern for her so she wouldn't have
to buy it. I know that's bad. I hate when I get off the
subject so back to the tag. Just a clean and simple tag.
Hope you like it. Until my next post enjoy your day!!!!

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